Everything You Need to Know About Breast Augmentations

July 7, 2018
breast augmentations

Last updated on March 9th, 2019 at 05:32 am

Breast augmentations are one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world and Dr. Lenny Roudner specializes in them in Miami! This cosmetic surgery is designed to enhance your breast size and shape to give you more natural proportions and to create a more symmetrical breast profile. We tailor each procedure to meet our individual patient’s needs and wants. Discover everything you need to know about breast augmentations to determine if it’s the right procedure for you. Dr. Lenny Roudner is happy to meet with you during a consultation to discuss your different options and potential results.

What is a Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that enhances the shape and size of your breasts to make them more proportionate, symmetrical and more ideal for your personal needs and wants. We create a customized surgery plan for each of our patients, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution! In most cases, every woman has a unique set of breasts and goals. Breast augmentations can be a great confidence booster and enhance the quality of some of our patient’s lives drastically. Find out if a breast augmentation is the right choice for you.

Why Should I Consider a Breast Augmentation?

  • Restore the fullness in my breasts following pregnancy & breastfeeding, weight loss or aging
  • Feel more confident in my own skin and especially in swimsuits
  • Create a more balanced body shape to complement curvy hips
  • Enhance my self-image
  • Make my breasts more symmetrical
  • Fix my elongated shaped breasts
  • Enhance the size of my breasts
  • Correct undeveloped breasts

Who is a Good Candidate for a Breast Augmentation?

When it comes to breast augmentations, most patients are good candidates. There are only a few qualifications we require our patients to meet in order to be good candidates for surgery. First of all, the patient is a good candidate for a breast augmentation in Miami if they are in good health. Patients must also not be pregnant or currently breastfeeding. In addition, patients should have breasts that are fully developed. If you meet these qualifications, it’s more than likely Dr. Roudner can help you achieve the breasts you have always wanted!

Different Types of Breast Implants

Breast augmentations come with lots of different choices. One of the first choices you will need to make is what type of breast implants you will have. You will choose between gummy bear implants, silicone, and saline. Continue reading to find out what the differences between each type are to see what’s best for you.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants AKA Cohesive Gel Breast Implants

One of our top choices for breast augmentations in Miami is the gummy bear implants. They are actually one of the most recent advances in breast augmentation surgeries and a patient favorite. Gummy bear implants are the perfect combination of aesthetics, safety and natural feel you would want from a breast implant.  Gummy bear implants are more cohesive than traditional silicone implants. Therefore, they are more stable which makes them safer than silicone implants. Because of their stability, they are less likely to rupture. They provide a supple feel and natural looking soft appearance that you will love. The implants blend well into the breast tissue so you never have to worry about an unsightly breast implant line showing.

You might be wondering why they are called Gummy Bear implants. Well, their cohesive material resembles that of gummy bears. Imagine the texture and feeling of gummy bears and that’s essentially what gummy bear implants feel like before they are put inside your breasts. Between their safety and amazing results, it’s no wonder they are a patient favorite!

Silicone Breast Implants

Another popular breast implant choice, silicone implants are the next best thing when it comes to breast implant choices. A durable and safe choice, many of our Miami patients find silicone breast implants to be a great option that provides them with the results they want! Silicone implants only have a slight chance of wrinkling, so you can expect natural-looking results. During your consultation with Dr. Roudner, he will help you determine if silicone implants are the best choice for you! The silicone implants are made out of a gel with molecules that are stuck to each other, much like the Gummy Bear implants, but less cohesive. These implants are only offered to patients who are ages 22 and older. They provide natural looking and feeling results.

Saline Implants

Although we don’t provide saline implants at our practice, here’s a bit of information about them you might find useful. Saline implants are made of sterile salt water and are available to women over the age of 18. The procedure involves inserting a silicone shell into the breasts and then filling them with saline solution to their desired volume. Under the thin skin, the folds of the implant might be easily seen or even felt. This is known as wrinkling or rippling. These implants are the least durable and look less natural than others.

Breast Implant Styles

Now that you know about the different types of breast implants, it’s time to dive into the different styles you can get. The first implant style is known as a teardrop shape while the second is known as just an anatomic or round shape. Teardrop shaped implants provide a more natural looking shape, making the breasts appear full at the bottom and flatter on the top. The round or anatomic shaped breast implants provide a perkier and rounder shape.

After choosing your shape, you get to choose between textured or smooth implants. The textured implants are gritty and rough like sandpaper. The main reason patients opt for this option is because it reduces the chance of developing a capsular contracture. This is a buildup of scar tissue around your implant. Smooth implants are more like a balloon. While they do pose a higher risk for developing a capsular contracture, more patients tend to choose this option.

Placement of Breast Implants

Once you are set on the type and style of your breast implants, the second to last decision you will need to make before your surgery is the placement of your implants. Breast implants can either be placed under the chest muscles (subpectoral placement) or over the chest muscles. Most doctors recommend the subpectoral placement to reduce the risk of capsular contracture and it provides a more natural-looking appearance that looks less like balloons.

Breast Implants Incision Decisions

Your very last choice when it comes to your breast implant surgery involves the surgery incision site. This is where Dr. Roudner will make an incision to place your implants at. Your decision for this should factor in scarring and healing process. The first incision site possible is through the belly button, known as a TUBA or trans-umbilical breast augmentation. This type of incision can cause large scars and makes it more difficult for Dr. Roudner to see what’s going when placing the implants. The next incision site is under the arms or a trans-axillary approach (armpits). This type of incision can make hiding scars easier but it makes it’s in your armpit which is the unnoticeable area.

The next incision site is the peri-areolar incision. This is only available for patients who have an areola that is long enough. This incision has some concerns that it causes bacteria to form in the milk ducts. This is highly unlikely. The last incision is the most commonly performed the inframammary incision. This incision allows easy access to the surgical site and allows Dr. Roudner to see everything that’s going on. He tries to make these incisions in the grove underneath the breast so it can’t be seen.

In the end, it is your choice. Dr. Roudner will recommend what he believes is the best option for you. Please remember that scars fade over time!

Breast Implants Surgery Risks

Before your breast implant surgery, we will go over the different problems you are at risk for. This is a normal process of the breast implant surgical procedure. Although Dr. Roudner has decades of experience performing breast implants, there are still risks involved with any surgery.

The surgery for breast implants usually takes about 2 hours. Although it’s rare for problems to occur, one of the most common reactions is due to the anesthesia, not actually the surgery itself. Complications can arise with anesthesia depending on the patient’s health and the type of anesthesia used. Some of the most common risks include allergic reactions, difficulties breathing, elevated heart rate or even an increase in blood pressure.

Other risks that can occur during surgery that are quite rare but still possible include bleeding and infections. Fortunately, these are easy to control! If you do happen to have bleeding during or after surgery, there will most likely be some bruising. This isn’t a serious complication and you should not worry.

Lastly, there is the risk that your breast implant ruptures or leaks. This most commonly occurs in saline or silicone breast implants. If your saline implant leaks or ruptures, this is not harmful to the body because it’s just salt water. Your body will simply just absorb it. You should be more concerned about the deflated appearance of your breasts. Silicone ruptures are less common. The cohesive material in your breast implant won’t leave the implant area of your body. You don’t need to worry about harm or problems because of this, you just need the doctor to fix it.

Risk Factors After Surgery

Following your breast implant surgery in Miami, there will be more risk factors to be concerned about. For example, following surgery, your breasts will feel tender, swollen, in pain and even lack of sensation in your breasts. This is completely normal and will go away during the healing process. Other risk factors are actually about the implants themselves. It’s common for the implants to show signs of wrinkling, dimpling, or slight puckering. These risk factors will affect the appearance of your breasts.

Aside from breast implant ruptures or leaks, another risk factor you should be concerned about is a capsular contracture forming. This is when scar tissue forms around your implant forcing the implant to become tight and uncomfortable. This may cause the implant to rupture! This is more common after an infection, seroma or bleeding takes place. Symptoms can include a change in the appearance of your breasts like distortion or even hard feeling breasts. Your breasts may be uncomfortable to touch and wearing clothes may also feel uncomfortable.

The other risk factor associated with breast implants is known as anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) disease. This is very rare but has been linked to breast implants. ALCL disease is when fluid develops around the breast implants and may also cause scarring in the area as well.

If you notice any unusual side-effects or your breasts look distorted after your surgery, make sure to give Dr. Roudner a call so he can inspect the implants. You may need to replace them or undergo reconstructive surgery.

Ready For Breast Implants?

Now that you know everything there is to know about breast implant surgery, it’s time to meet with Dr. Roudner at his Miami plastic surgery office to find out if you’re a candidate and how he can help you achieve new breasts! Give our office a call or fill out our online form to schedule your appointment. We look forward to helping you regain confidence in your body and overall appearance!