6 Signs I Might Need a Breast Revision

November 10, 2018
need a breast revision

Last updated on March 9th, 2019 at 05:32 am

Whether you received a breast augmentation from a not-so-renowned plastic surgeon or it’s been years since the procedure took place, it’s normal for patients to need a breast revision at some point. Fortunately, Dr. Lenny is here to perform a breast revision in Miami with the beautiful results you have been searching for. Having performed over 22,000 breast augmentations, Dr. Lenny’s expertise lies in breast augmentations and revisions. Some patients might not know that they need a breast revision. Read through these 8 signs to find out if you need a breast revision in Miami.

1.  Your Implant Ruptured

One of the top reasons a patient might visit us for a breast revision surgery is because their breast implant ruptured. It’s possible for all types of implants including silicone, saline, and gummy bear implants to rupture. Although the chances of this occurring are low, it can still happen. When your breast implants rupture, you will notice a change in the shape, size as well as the symmetry.

In saline implants, ruptures tend to show rapid results of deflation. This is because the saline is leaving the implant and spreading throughout the body. Don’t worry, this is completely harmless. When a silicone implant ruptures, on the other hand, the shape and size will take longer to show noticeable changes. If a ruptured breast implant occurs, you will need to have it taken out or replaced. If you notice any signs of rupturing, please contact our plastic surgery office to schedule an appointment.

2. Your Implant Repositioned

Another common reason patients seek a breast implant revision surgery is because the implant has repositioned itself. It’s normal for implants to shift or move over time. In some occasions, the breast tissue will thin out and therefore provide less support for the implant. This will result in the breast implant relocating itself from its original position. Revision surgery can restore your implant back to its original location.

3. Your Body Changed

It’s normal for women to experience body changes over time due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, an illness or simply from natural aging. As a result, this can alter the way your breast implants look. Breast revision surgery can restore your breasts to a more aesthetic shape to complement your body’s changes. In some cases, fat can be transferred to the area for more natural contours.

If you have gained weight, your breasts might have a lot of loose skin and might not look proportionate. On the other hand, a patient who has lost a significant amount of weight might have breasts that might appear too large for their body or even carry an unnatural appearance. Patients who have aged might notice that their breasts are sagging more than before. In this case, a breast lift might be beneficial. Whatever it is about your breast’s appearance that you dislike is the perfect reason to consider a breast implant revision surgery with our Miami plastic surgeon.

4. You Feel Issues

Although implants are not natural, your breasts should still feel most natural since the implants rest underneath your breast tissue. If you notice changes in the way your breasts feel, this might be a sign that you need a breast implant revision surgery. Visit our plastic surgeon in Miami to find out what the problem might be.

5. Your Desired Breast Size Changed

When you first got your breast implants, you wanted a certain size, while now, perhaps you want breast implants that are larger or ones that are smaller. If you want a different size, that’s no big deal. Whatever size you want, our plastic surgeon can revise your past breast implant surgery by placing new sized implants that suit your lifestyle.

6. A Capsular Contracture Occurred

One of the most common problems with breast implants is known as a capsular contracture. When you receive a breast implant, the body begins to form a scar capsule around the breast implant. The capsule is usually soft and allows for your implant to feel natural. When a capsular contracture occurs, however, the capsule begins to harden and thicken. It will also begin to contract on the breast implant. As a result, the implant will shift up on the chest wall. It may cause discomfort and cause your breasts to look unnatural. When this happens, Dr. Lenny will need to remove the implant, reshape your breast pocket and then place a replacement breast implant. If you suspect you have a capsular contracture in Miami, please don’t hesitate to call us for help.

How Much Is A Breast Revision?

Now that you know what signs to look for if you need a breast revision surgery, you might be wondering just how much a breast revision surgery will cost you. You can expect your revision surgery to cost a little bit less than your initial breast augmentation surgery depending on what problems have occurred. When you receive a breast revision surgery, you should also expect to have the same amount of recovery time as your initial breast augmentation surgery. Make sure to follow our doctor’s instructions for the best recovery possible. Since you have been through the surgery once before, don’t stress about the recovery or aftercare since you already know what to expect. For the actual cost for your own breast revision surgery, please visit our Miami plastic surgeon for a consultation today.

Scheduled a Breast Revision Surgery in Miami Today

If you are unhappy with your current breast implants or you suspect that a real problem has occurred, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lenny at our Miami plastic surgery office to discuss your breast implant revision surgery options. We’re happy to provide you with the necessary treatment to help you feel happy with your breast’s appearance once again. Give us a call or fill out our online form today to schedule an appointment.